Moscow in winters is a sight to behold, particularly if one is used to what passes for winters in December and January in Delhi. At the Domodedovo airport in Moscow, I could see a light sprinkle of snow on the tarmac below. While taking off from Doha in the afternoon the captain had cheerfully announced that the weather in Moscow would be nowhere like what it was in Doha and now in the twilight of a Moscow evening, with fellow travellers pulling on heavy woollens and snow everywhere, I could imagine what the captain was alluding to.
As I stepped outside the terminal, I felt an icy blast of cold and I wondered so this is how it feels to be in Moscow in December. Strangely, I did not feel uncomfortable, after all I was swathed in multiple layers of clothing and a heavy jacket that would do any Muscovite proud. In fact I felt positively exhilarated, the cold was delightful, the crunch of snow under ones boot, a wonderful feeling.
The Metropole is a historic hotel. It is located right opposite the Bolshoi theatre and a 5 minutes walk from the famous Red Square. The hotel now has a weary visage, the carpets are a little worse for the wear, the walls and the cornices, while ornate do look their age. The Metropole is now more than a century old, it was completed in 1907 . It predates the October Revolution of 1917, was nationalised by the Bolsheviks in 1918, renamed as the ‘Second House of the Soviets’ and was used as residence for the burgeoning communist bureaucracy. It reverted to being a hotel in 1930 and since than have been hosting celebrities, Presidents, Royalty, Prime Ministers, Heads of the States and the like. Today, it is a comforting presence, elegant and stately, right in the heart of the city, the grand old lady a little wrinkled and maybe a little worse for wear, but welcoming as ever.
We walked back to the Voice of Russia office in the freezing cold, much excited, exhilarated by the riches we had seen at the Tretyakov art gallery. As we piled into a taxi to return to The Metropole, we explained to the taxi driver, that we were from India. ‘Hindustan …aha …Raj Kapoor…Abara hoon… abaara hoon….’ he crooned. We were dumbstruck once again, Raj Kapoor is long since dead and gone, we do not play his songs that often in our homes anymore, but here he was alive in the heart of a Russian taxi driver, who knows no Hindi but instinctively connects with an iconic song and an artist who played the lovable tramp in most of his movies.
To be contd
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